

Specification Cutting Direction: DOWN Cutting Diameter(CD): 1/16″ Shank Diameter(SD): 1/4″ Cutting Length(CL): 1/4″ Overall Length(OVL): 2″ Overview Downcut spiral tools are best used for thinner materials that will be pushed down into the machine bed rat

SKU: SPS-D1/4-1/16-D-FBA Category:


SpeTool W04030 SC Spiral Plunge 1/16″ Dia x 1/4″ Shank x 1/4″ Cutting Length 2″ Long 2 Flute Down-Cut Router BitSpecification Cutting Direction: DOWN Cutting Diameter(CD): 1/16″ Shank Diameter(SD): 1/4″ Cutting Length(CL): 1/4″ Overall Length(OVL): 2″ Overview Downcut spiral tools are best used for thinner materials that will be pushed down into the machine bed rather than being lifted with an upcut spiral. This can be particularly useful when using vacuum hold down were maintaining the seal between the material and sacrificial bed is crucial. These tools are predominantly used when a high-quality cut finish is required on the top surface of cut parts. Specially designed to provide an excellent finish. It can be used with handheld, table-mounted, and CNC routers. Designed for cutting the following materials MDF/HDF Foam Board Hardwood Plastic Softwood Plywood